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Of Mice and Men_人鼠之间读后感600字高中作文

高中作文 2021-06-14 06:59:41 392 0

Of Mice and Men_人鼠之间读后感600字高中作文是一篇高中生作文中的范文,全文如下:

The story happened in 1930s, about the depression situation of the United States, a good friend is also one of the lowest labor force -- George and Lenny eventually fell into the abyss of the tragedy of the dream story. Performance of that era many farmers leave the hometown, the bottom, working hard. The desire to have a land of his own, to live a stable life, but very little grieving feelings.

The hero of the story, Lenny, is a big man, like a bear. Is human, animal like behavior makes people think that he is a well-developed limbs, simple minded idiot. When he introduced Lenny to the manager, George boasted that he was a top employee and as strong as a bull. Has the highest authority on the farm head handle horse - Shi Lin Turner of Lenny's great strength to acknowledge, said never seen such a strong man. Logically, Lenny has an incomparable innate advantage in a farm like a hard working environment. With his strength, and George was six hundred dollars earned enough to buy that piece of the ideal should be only a matter of time.

Carefully, the society at that time was divided into grades - physical, spiritual, social, and skin - skinned. Lennie has a high Physical status, and the weak body of the body, the mouse and the puppy, has to obey him for the sake of survival. But because of his slight mental retardation, Lennie's Mental status is very low, and it is necessary to live with George to survive in a cruel society. The two migrant workers are at the bottom of the society, struggling for their little dreams, but waiting for them is an irresistible cruel reality. The beautiful dream is like a soap bubble burst instantly. Steinbeck portrays many "special ordinary people" who have such dreams in this book, but spiritual loneliness finally leads them into the deep wells of society. After reading the novel, it makes people feel depressed, sad and sympathetic. The author, Steinbeck, is a pessimist? Maybe it is not, but it is only at that time that the social situation can't be sanguine.

This is a helpless story, but the power of a dream is real. It allows George and Lenny to have comforts and dreams in the bottom of the mire. The end of life, the endless wandering to the end, the dream is far away, but at the end of life, the place we yearn for is the paradise we will finally arrive.

Whether a person has what kind of life, when his eyes only focused on their experiences of the moment, he will inevitably have any sense of worry. After all, life is full of opportunities but if there are nine out of ten, as far as the watch in the night or lamps and candles of a myriad families, in the daytime, see street people such as ants and flies, running stream, how many people will have many stories, the mood may get some comfort. This is probably the reason we read novels. Maybe not only our own born into extraordinary, but the common barriers, experiencing the disillusionment of suffering.




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